Cat Claws for “Paw”se-Little Tricks to Keep Them Clipped

November 29, 2017

Clipping your cat’s claws has many benefits beyond general upkeep. Shorter cat claws make playtime less painful for cat owners and also give furniture a rest from being kitty’s scratching post. It is advised that cat owners start claw trimming when your cat is a kitten. Start with a relaxed, sleepy cat, sharp clippers and a good light source, for best results. Regular human toenail or fingernail clippers work well, as well as guillotine-type cat clippers.
Claw Clipping Tips:
1.   Support your cat securely in your arm left arm with his front paw in your left hand. It may be easier at first to wrap him in a towel with only the paw extended. This is much easier when your cat is relaxed and sitting in your lap.
2.   Press gently but firmly on the pad area to extend a claw. Hold the front paw between your thumb and index finger and this should extend the claws. It isn't necessary to squeeze hard. (You may want to practice steps one and two a few days in advance of the actual trimming; to be sure he's comfortable with your handling his paws.)
3.   Examine the claw closely under light to find the pink area in the center called the 'quick.' This is a blood vessel, and will bleed if nicked. Cats will remember the pain and will make your next clipping more of an adventure than you might like.
4.   Holding the clippers parallel to the flat part of the claw, quickly snip off the tip, being careful not to cut into the quick, or the pink portion of the nail. Clip very little of the nail until your cat becomes accustomed to the process. Once your kitty relaxes, you can clip more. Don’t worry if you aren’t able to cut all the claws at once. Do as many as you can and give your cat a break. .
5.   Give kitty a treat and a few kind words for being such a good cat. This should be a treat you only give around the time of claw trimming or grooming activities. The more relaxed you and he both are, the easier the process will be.
6.   Repeat the previous five steps until you have finished the first paw. Remember there are 5 claws on each forepaw and 5 on each rear paw.
7.   If your cat is comfortable and compliant, continue until the nails on both front feet have been clipped. Usually, trimming the back toenails is unnecessary, and undesirable, if the cat is allowed outdoors. Clip the portion above the quick for each nail and don't forget the dewclaws. On cats, dewclaws are found only on the front paws, about where humans would have their thumbs -- they do not touch the ground. Some cats are polydactyl, and have up to seven claws on any paw. Normally there are four claws per paw, with one dewclaw on each of the front paws. Rear claws don't need to be trimmed as often or at all; they do not grow as quickly and are not as sharp. You should be able to hold any of the four paws with your off hand; it will become easier with practice.
8.   If your cat refuses to allow you to trim her claws, get help from a veterinarian or groomer.
Keep a barber's styptic pen or styptic powder handy in case you accidentally cut into the quick. If this should happen, apply the powder to the nail to stop the bleeding, and call it a day.
It may be easier if you have a second person holding the cat. Above all, it's important that you and your cat both be relaxed.
If at any time your cat becomes anxious, stop immediately. You can do one claw every day, if necessary.
If all else fails, ask your veterinarian to demonstrate the procedure for you, or schedule your cat for regular nail clips by a veterinarian or groomer. Most vets will perform this service for a minimal charge (@ $10).Materials:

Nail clippers
Styptic powder/pencil
Reward treat or toyTrim your cat’s claws every 2-6 weeks or make an appointment with your veterinarian to have them clipped.

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