Pampered Pedigrees – Top Six Fancy, Fluffy Felines

November 28, 2017
You have finally decided to add that feline companion to your household and now your friends and family have suddenly turned into cat experts and deluging your with good advise as to which type of cat you should choose.  Uncle Harry swears on his “mixes are more loving” belief, while great aunt Gertrude will hear nothing about any breed except the Siamese.  What is the prospective cat owner to do?  Take a look at this list of the top six fancy, fluffy felines and see if one of these sounds right to you.

One of the most popular breeds is the Burmese cat.  This breed can trace its origins back to a very sleek and fashionable cat named Wong Mau. This cat was imported from Burma but lived in the early 1930s in the home of Joseph Thompson of San Francisco, and is described as having been of nut brown color. Mr. Thompson bred Wong Mau with Seal Point Siamese cats. In spite of some mixed kittens, Wong Mau soon became the proud mother of some sable colored kittens, and cat fanciers recognized that the Burmese is indeed a breed of its own. These cats are heavy for their small sizes, and have short, soft coat. This type of cat is the closest a cat owner will come to ever having a dog, because these cats exhibit many dog-like qualities when it comes to loyalty and interactivity.  Be forewarned, however, that these cats should only be kept as indoor animals, since they lack the basic survival instincts and street smarts to survive outside.

A close second is the Siamese cat. It is said that the original breed dates back to the 1350s when they were “employed” as temple guards in Thailand, which was then called Siam. The Siamese cat came to England when Siam gifted it to an ambassador. At this time, the Seal Point is the most common kind of Siamese; it is easily recognized with the seal brown flanks and paws. Other kinds are the Chocolate Point, Blue Point, and Lilac Point. These cats are extremely strong willed and will quickly take over the household. They are vociferous in their expressions of displeasure.

Another quite popular breed is the Ragdoll. This cat is a product of the 1960s and can be traced back to a Californian breeder by the name of Ann Baker. Ms. Baker bred her pet cat Josephine, a long haired cat displaying distinct Siamese markings, to other cats with long hair and Siamese markings. Some believe that Josephine was actual an Angora, but that is hard to substantiate.  It is quite well known, however, is that these cats tend to have beautiful long hair, markings reminiscent of Siamese, and a weight that may top at twenty pounds, sometimes even more. Generally speaking, this breed is extremely loving and quiet, and seems to get along with pretty much everyone and anything.

The American Bobtail is another popular breed. Looking like a small bobcat with a short tail, this cat comes in both the long haired and short haired varieties. It is said that this breed was first recognized in the 1960s when a couple who lived on an Arizona Indian Reservation found a feral tabby kitten of a nut brown color with a bobbed tail. This kitten was named Yodie and bred with a domestic cat; the resulting litter all had bobtails and a new breed was born.  These cats may weigh as little as twelve and as much as twenty pounds. A bit more reserved than Ragdolls, they still exhibit many similar qualities.

The American Shorthair is another quite popular breed.  Tracing its ancestry to the early settlers and the Mayflower itself, this cat has firmly established itself in the hearts of its adoring public. These cats tend to be smaller, the top weight only being about fifteen pounds, but of a very easy going nature.

Last but most certainly not least, is the Persian.  This cat all but calls to its doting owner for attention, and it is no surprise that so many cat lovers have at least one Persian in their homes. Because of their almost childlike innocence and lack of street smarts, this cat needs to be kept as an indoor cat only. It is said that this cat arrived from Persia as quite possibly stowaways, yet this cannot be truly verified.

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